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Glass Coatings


No matter how hard you try to keep standard shower glass clean, eventually it gets ugly. ShowerGuard glass is incredibly easy to clean and keep beautiful.

You can scrub your fingers to the bone cleaning standard shower glass, yet it will never be as clean as the day it was installed. That’s because hard water, heat, humidity, soap and even cleaning agents can spot, discolor and corrode the surface of the glass. In other words, the things you use to clean your glass can actually make it look worse. But ShowerGuard glass is a different kind of glass altogether. Its surface is protected during manufacturing through an ionic-bonding process. This patented technology permanently seals the glass surface, stopping corrosion before it starts. Which means with just a minimal amount of cleaning, ShowerGuard glass will always look as gorgeous as it did the day you bought it.



ClearShield will help keep your shower enclosure as clean and bight as the day it was installed.

Your shower enclosure is exposed to a harsh environment day after day. Residues from hard water, humidity, soap and shampoo quickly build up. Glass is relatively soft and porous and these contaminants chemically react with it, firmly bonding to its surface. In time, this will permanently stain and damage the glass leaving it looking dirty and often impossible to clean. And, trying to clean the glass with harsh or abrasive cleaners can cause further damage.

ClearShield will protect your shower enclosure and help keep it looking like new!

ClearShield is a unique polymeric resin that protect glass like “non-stick” cookware. Its an invisible protective barrier against harmful organic and inorganic contaminants. as a result, ClearShield keeps your shower enclosure cleaner, easier to maintain and looking like new. And, ClearShield promotes a more hygienic shower environment by reducing bacteria growth.

Now is the time to prevent future damage to your shower enclosure!

  • Resists staining from hard water deposits
  • Is easier to clean
  • Does not suport the growth of bacteria
  • Eliminates the need for harsh and abrasive cleaning products



Vindico HP1 is a system with hydrophilic characteristics for coating glass and ceramic surfaces. Vindico HP1 forms a waterrepellent
hydrophilic glass surface that ensures that a film of water flowing downward washes dirt away.

• Surfaces coated with Vindico HP1 are also suitable for non-vertical applications.
• Vindico HP1 coating protects against external effects like dirt, fat and emissions.
• Contamination of the glass surface is thereby reduced (antifouling).
• Vindico HP1 coating protects against glass corrosion (osmosis).
• Vindico HP1 coating can be prestressed to ESG and resists temperatures up to 750°C.

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1160 N. Dato Ln.
Wauconda, IL 60084


Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: Closed

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